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Malta Announces the 2024 Specialist Employee Initiative for Jobs

The Malta Specialist Employee Initiative (SEI), launched in January 2024, is a creative program created to bring talented foreign workers to Malta. It offers competitive salaries and a quicker immigration process. This initiative is designed for skilled individuals from non-European Union countries who might not be eligible for the Key Employee Initiative (KEI). Here’s an overview of SEI, its benefits, and how to apply.

Job Benefits:

The Malta Specialist Employee Initiative (SEI) brings many advantages for highly skilled foreign workers looking for opportunities in Malta. These advantages are meant to make working and settling in Malta easier and more appealing for international professionals. Here are the main benefits of the SEI:

  1. Quick Processing: SEI applications get processed within 15 working days, which is much faster than regular work and residence permits.
  2. Single Permit: It offers a single permit for both work and residence, simplifying the application process.
  3. Family Reunification: SEI beneficiaries can bring their family members to Malta, making the relocation process smoother.
  4. Filling Skill Gaps: It focuses on addressing shortages of skills in important sectors like IT, healthcare, and engineering.
  5. Economic Growth: It helps Malta’s economy by attracting skilled foreign professionals.
  6. Cultural Experience: It provides a chance to experience and become a part of Maltese culture.

Eligibility Criteria:

To qualify for the Malta Specialist Employee Initiative (SEI), you need to meet certain requirements that show your skills and professional qualifications. These requirements are in place to make sure that the program brings in highly qualified people who can help Malta, especially in areas where there aren’t enough skilled workers. Here are the main things you need to qualify for the SEI:

  1. Skill and Experience: You should have skills and experience that match the job you’re applying for.
  2. Job Offer: You need a job offer from a Maltese employer.
  3. Salary: Your salary should meet the minimum threshold set by the government.
  4. Health Insurance: You must have health insurance coverage.
  5. Clean Record: You should have a clean criminal record.

Meeting these requirements will make you eligible for the SEI program.

Minimum Annual Gross Salary: 

Applicants must have a job offer in Malta with an annual gross salary of at least €25,000. This requirement ensures that the positions being filled are of a professional or technical level and offer adequate compensation.

Type of Job Offer: 

The job offer must be for a professional or technical level position in Malta. This criterion is in place to attract individuals with specific skills and expertise that are in demand in the Maltese labor market.

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Educational Qualifications:

 Applicants are required to have either:

  • An MQF Level 6 qualification or higher in a field related to the job offer. MQF Level 6 is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in most countries.
  • Alternatively, if the applicant does not have an MQ

F Level 6 qualification, they must possess other relevant qualifications and have at least three years of professional experience in the field related to the job offer. This option provides flexibility for those who have gained expertise through experience rather than formal higher education.

List of Jobs in Malta Offering €25,000 Salary (Eligible for SEI):

In Malta, there are several job opportunities across various sectors with salaries exceeding €25,000 annually. Some of these include:

  • IT Sector: Software Engineers in Blockchain (€35,000 – €50,000), IT Security Specialists (€30,000 – €45,000), Cloud Architects (€35,000 – €55,000), and Data Scientists (€32,000 – €48,000).
  • Healthcare: Cardiologists (€60,000 – €80,000), Oncologists (€55,000 – €75,000), Neurologists (€50,000 – €70,000), and Midwives (€35,000 – €45,000).
  • Engineering: Mechanical Engineers (€32,000 – €48,000), Electrical Engineers (€30,000 – €45,000), and Civil Engineers (€35,000 – €50,000).
  • Management and Business: Production Managers (€32,000 – €42,000), Accounting Managers (€30,000 – €40,000), Marketing Managers (€35,000 – €50,000), Tourism and Hospitality Managers (€32,000 – €45,000), and Corporate Lawyers (€40,000 – €60,000)

Step by Step Application Process of Malta SEI Prorgam 2024:

  1. Check Eligibility: Confirm you meet the salary, job position, and qualification criteria.
  2. Prepare Documents: Gather necessary documents including the SEI application form, passport, employment contract, qualifications, experience certificates (if applicable), medical insurance, photos, and the fee payment receipt.
  3. Submit Application: Apply through Identity Malta’s online portal or by mail.
  4. Wait for Processing: Identity Malta processes applications within 15 working days.
  5. Receive Permit: Once approved, you will receive your work and residence permit.

Where to find Skill Shortage Jobs in Malta in 2024?

Several credible sources confirm skill shortages in various sectors in Malta. The National Employment Service (NES) regularly publishes labor market trends, highlighting sectors with skill deficits (NES Employment Services). The Central Bank of Malta also provides insightful reports on economic trends, including skill shortages (Central Bank of Malta Publications). Additionally, the Malta Chamber of Commerce (Malta Chamber of Commerce) and Malta Enterprise (Malta Enterprise) offer industry-specific insights and identify high-demand areas for skilled professionals. You can find all these skill shortage jobs in Malta here:

To find jobs in sectors experiencing skill shortages in Malta, you can explore several key resources:

  • National Employment Service (NES): The NES website (NES Employment Services) lists vacancies across various industries, often including jobs in sectors with skill shortages.
  • Online Job Portals: Websites like JobsinMalta (JobsinMalta), Maltapark (Maltapark), and KeepMePosted (KeepMePosted) frequently feature job listings in high-demand sectors.
  • LinkedIn: The LinkedIn platform is a valuable resource for connecting with employers in Malta and exploring job opportunities, especially in sectors with skill shortages.
  • Malta Chamber of Commerce: The Chamber’s website (Malta Chamber of Commerce) and associated publications can provide insights into industries experiencing labor demand.
  • Recruitment Agencies: Local recruitment agencies often have insights into the current job market and can assist in finding positions in sectors with skill shortages.
  • Government Websites: The Malta Enterprise website (Malta Enterprise) offers information on various industries and may highlight areas where skilled workers are in demand.